Sunday, January 15, 2012

An Example of God's Provision

This is just a random post, but I just wanted to get "this" down on "paper" to look back at down the road.  Plus, I believe that when you "tell" of God's goodness, you don't forget what He has done for you.   It's like looking back in a prayer journal and seeing how He answered prayers.  I'm purposely trying to be more cognizant of blessings and provision.

It is no secret that we are working diligently to become debt free this year.  We want to be able to give FREELY and we feel like that best way for that to happen is to live frugally and without debt.  We do believe in giving sacrificially, but we can hardly wait until the day that we can give more and more of what God has given us.  For a one income family in a tough economy, it is HARD but God has never failed to provide.  We may not have everything we want and we may have to say NO to things VERY often, but we've never gone without the basic needs.  NEVER!  We may have had overwhelming fear and worry that we would, but God has ALWAYS come through in HIS time.

With that said...

Today we made a trip to Sam's for some basics and produce.  We are making a concerted effort to GREATLY increase our consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables and eat MUCH less processed foods.  It's a difficult adjustment at times, but we are already seeing GREAT rewards.  However, eating healthy is expensive at times.  With today's purchase, I went over budget by $34.  Many might say, so what?  You might spend that on a lunch out and a trip to Starbucks.  We don't.  Thirty four dollars is a fairly big amount to us, especially when we are committed to pouring every penny we can into paying off debt.  I was able to pay that amount and knew it was worth it, but I also knew that I would have $34 less to put into savings or debt reduction.  I left the store with peace that it was OK, because we were spending it on something necessary. 

Fast forward JUST a couple of hours.  THIS is where God steps in.  Some friends wanted something made for their child to wear to a special event at church.  I happily made it and never expected or thought about being paid.  I just thought their idea was adorable and was something that I could probably handle making this evening.  I enjoyed it!

I was asked if I could provide childcare for a couple of extra hours this week for the wee one I keep part time.  Not a full day, just a few extra hours.  Sure!  We love having her and she makes us smile.

BOTH are things I enjoy and I would have said yes to regardless. 

The extra money, totally unexpected.....and not planned for when we made the extra purchases today....came to a grand total of $35.  Coincidence?  NEVER!

Thank you God for how you provide.  To many this "provision" may not mean much, but to us it means everything and is a reminder of how YOU are always looking out for us.  How YOU care about the little details in our lives.  It humbles to me know that in this BIG world, you care about MY needs and MY heart.  Thank you.


Robin said...

Love! I just read this aloud to my husband! God has been pouring his lavish love over my family for the last few months too! As I mentioned before, we are seeking looking for a job and knew this was coming but were trusting that God wanted to us to step out in faith. I found out I needed some dental work to the tune of $385! Ouch! I told my dentist I needed time to come up with the money. That week, I received an extra student for tutoring ($40) and then three women from my church showed up at my house and said that there Bible study wanted to bless my family and gave us baskets of clothes for my daughter, small gifts for me, and ...$345 cash. No joke and no coincidence! I had the dental work done the next week and told my dentist all about it. Her response, "I'd like to have your friends!" God is good. So pleased to see Him providing for ALL OUR NEEDS!

Tracye said...

Robin---that has left me speechless! God moved in a HUGE way in your life and I'm so happy for you. All I can say is...WOW! Go, God!

Debbie said...

That's so sweet and makes me laugh and cry, both!

2 Cor 10:17 As the Scriptures say, "If you want to boast, boast only about the LORD." [NLT] :)

I go to Christian counseling and it's $65 for an appointment (the cost comes out of the money I make, which isn't much lately!) and I pray for enough work to be able to afford it and many times my paycheck is $65.07 or $65.77, and THAT also makes me laugh and cry, both. God is amazing.

Sheri D. said...

Love this story and the other stories of God's faithfulness and provision. He is soooo good! Thank you for the sweet reminder that He is always faithful to supply what we need. <3