Sunday, March 4, 2012

B90 Check in Week 10 (Monday March 5th, 2012)

Victory dance!  Victory dance!  This week will complete the entire Old Testament!  For those that are reading for the first time, look what you've just accomplished!  I am so VERY proud of each and every single one of you! 

The middle of this week brings us to the New Testament and we only have just a couple of weeks left until we've finished the ENTIRE Bible---cover to cover. 


Keep on reading----regardless of where you are right now.  Some of you have let me know that you've REALLY made strides in catching up.  Fantastic!  Many of you are just a few days behind and that is excellent news.  Some of you are going to be unable to make the 90 day mark, but are still going to continue until it's completed.  GREAT news!

I started out this session a couple of days ahead (enthusiasm will do that!) and then with time found myself about 1.5 days behind.  Satan REALLY wanted me to just stop reading and just "lead" in a mentor/encourager position and I DID almost give in.  Fortunately, God got a hold of my heart and reminded me that I ALSO want to read again and that I had come to far to just stop.  I'm happy to report since that moment of realization, I've caught back up and am even a couple of days ahead.  Our family is going to be blessed this week with a visit from my precious step-mother and I read ahead to make sure I could spend every minute I could with her since the visits don't happen nearly enough!  Plus, I have spent LOTS of 5 minute windows reading while I've been waiting in line, picking up/dropping off kids....time that I USED to spend just popping on and off of facebook.  It's amazing how much the time builds up!  Using the Bible app on my phone has allowed so much more reading time!

Today at church, our message really reached my heart on several levels.  Knowing me---I'll probably be blogging about some of it in the coming days as time allows and my heart processes more.  For now, I just am so encouraged about what a GREAT GIFT God gave us in giving us His word.  It truly is an amazing thing and I know for one that I've been so VERY guilty so many times of taking it for granted.  Today really helped boost my heart in knowing just how priceless of a gift it is and JUST how much He loves each of us spending time in His word!  Praying and reading the Bible are the greatest ways for us to fix our eyes on Jesus and NOTHING can ever replace that in our hearts!

Here we go with this week's reading schedule:
  • Monday Daniel 9:1-Hosea 13:6
  • Tuesday Hosea 13:7 -Amos 9:10
  • Wednesday Amos 9:11-Nahum 3:19
  • Thursday Habakkuk 1:1-Zechariah 10:12
  • Friday Zechariah 11:1-Matthew 4:25
  • Saturday Matthew 5:1-Matthew 15:39
  • Sunday Matthew 16:1-Matthew 26:56
P.S.  Be sure to enter any of the giveaways of this last week by the 10th! Great movies, worship music, and Christian fiction being given away in previous posts this week! 


Nancy said...

Hi Tracye, I am on track! I feel like we are racing for the goal line at this point! I usually have shrugged off an "assignment" from pastors or teachers in Sunday school classes to read a whole book (usu New Testament) in one sitting to get a better feel for the book. Now I know that there is great value in doing just that! Have a great week in the Lord, everyone!

Anonymous said...

So....last week was really bad for me. So much stress, adjusting to school restarting (for me and DD), big events at church, me preaching at church...ack. By Saturday i was NINE days behind! I almost gave up, but decided to fight back...bit by bit through Saturday and Sunday I kept reading and am now caught up! Praise God for this because I am really fighting a battle with being self-controlled and disciplined. With Him I can do it!

Also, I have never really read the prophets straight through. I am learning a lot about doing what God tells you even though you may be deemed a failure by the world's standards. Those guys went through SO MUCH hardship and heartbreak. It also is a reminder that our sin affects not only us but also those around us.

Thanks so much Tracye for your honesty and encouragement. We appreciate you so much!
-Sarah Joy

Anonymous said...

So....last week was really bad for me. So much stress, adjusting to school restarting (for me and DD), big events at church, me preaching at church...ack. By Saturday i was NINE days behind! I almost gave up, but decided to fight back...bit by bit through Saturday and Sunday I kept reading and am now caught up! Praise God for this because I am really fighting a battle with being self-controlled and disciplined. With Him I can do it!

Also, I have never really read the prophets straight through. I am learning a lot about doing what God tells you even though you may be deemed a failure by the world's standards. Those guys went through SO MUCH hardship and heartbreak. It also is a reminder that our sin affects not only us but also those around us.

Thanks so much Tracye for your honesty and encouragement. We appreciate you so much!
-Sarah Joy

Connie J said...

Yeah, NT ahead!!! I have also read one day ahead because this week is mid-terms for me. Do you know how long it's been since I've taken mid terms? Like 25 years! It's going to be a great week though!!!

Michelle T said...

Sarah Joy, I am SO impressed at how you caught up! You are an inspiration.

Sam, good for you for sticking with it, even if it takes you a few extra days to finish. We all have parts of the Bible that are easier for us to read, and parts that are more difficult. For me, there has always been more in the OT that was difficult. You may find that you are able to catch up little by little between now and the end of the month!

I am on track, and excited to be getting to the NT. One of the things that has stuck me doing B90 is how MUCH of the Bible is in the OT. I have always seen the NT as more important, since it contains the new covenant we are under now, the life of Christ, the plan of salvation, etc. The OT seemed more like a bunch of stories ... certainly, there is much we can learn from them, but I just always thought the NT was more important.

Since more than 2/3 of the Bible is in the OT, I've had to re-think on that issue. I can't wait to see what will unfold as I make my way through the entire NT in just a few weeks.

Maybe I shouldn't be, but I have already begun to think about what time frame I want to use on my next trip through the Bible, once B90 is over. It IS a very fast pace, so I'm not sure I want to tackle another B90 on April 1. But I definitely want to maintain this habit of not only spending time in the Word daily, but making it a priority to do so. I can honestly confess that there have been times when I was getting ready for bed and had a little more reading to do to complete the day's assignment. If it were not for my commitment to the B90 plan and the accountability of this group, I probably would not have stretched myself to read just a little bit more before going to sleep. I have also tried to do at least some, if not all, of the reading in the morning, before I start my day. Trying to make it a priority to spend some time with my King before I focus on anything else. I don't want to backslide on those issues.

Now that I have written the world's longest comment, I will end by saying YAY us! No matter where you are in the reading, look at how much you've accomplished, and be proud. I know that God is doing great things in each of us on this journey, whether we are caught up or not.

Tristine Fleming said...

Checking in. So far behind now. Had a women's retreat this weekend and thought I'd have time to catch up, but we have VERY little time to ourselves, and our evening sessions usually went until 9:30PM and I was wiped out by then. I'm still plugging away, though!

Friend said...

I am on track and checking in. Have not gotten today's reading done, though, but will still try before bed. Could really use prayers this week--extra things going on and it will be extra difficult to stay caught up. Thank you!

Debbie said...

Checking in! I'm still behind but not as bad, go me! Sarah Joy, you are awesome!! Well, I'm looking forward to reading the New Testament in this intense style of B90. ~Debbie

Sheri D. said...

Hi, guys!! I am checking in and on target though I do still have to read today's and hope to read it before bed. God bless!!

Shannon said...

Still behind, but still here with the group! May not finish in 90 days with all that is going on with my family members, but I will finish reading the Bible cover to cover once again. Praise God!! I would sincerely appreciate keeping me and my family in your prayers and please know how very thankful and grateful I am for each prayer lifted up on our behalf.

Abundant Blessings!

Kelly K said...

Checking in and letting you know I'm still on track. It's been a great experience so far. Seems I'm always checking in on Tuesdays though...what is it about that Monday thing?!?!


Tracye said...

I have to admit, reading these comments this week have really warmed my heart. God is so GOOD! Even those of you that are not quite caught up are STILL not giving up and that is just AMAZING. Some of you have REALLY put in a tremendous amount of effort and CAUGHT back up! Fantastic! I've said all along that for me it isn't necessarily about the 90 day mark and I'm so PROUD of each of you. Those of you considering giving up---do NOT---you've come WAY too far! The end IS just around the corner. Just keep at it and don't panic! :)

Laura said...

I'm way behind but still have it on my heart to keep reading & finish the Bible! I'm having a hard time making reading a priority...but I'm trying! Thanks for the encouragement.

Robin said...

I forgot to check in last week! Oops!! I am SOOO far behind. I think two weeks nearly. I'm in Ezekial. Trying to plug along but not read as a chore but read to learn and grow. Work has been a lot lately, but I'm getting in at least 10 chapters a day, just not enough to keep up. Will keep plugging away. Might be the Bible in 100 days for me, but I'll get there!