Thursday, May 23, 2013

Did I Teach Them?

I have so much on my heart that I HAVE to share about our experiences at Teach Them Diligently.  It was so unreal how much we absorbed in that short amount of time and to be honest so much of it had nothing to do with the actual aspects of homeschooling.  Obviously, home education was the focus and many how-to's and encouragement were presented, but it was FAR beyond that.  We've never experienced so much spiritual depth  in one weekend.  I can't wait to share so much of that with you....

But for now....

I'm overwhelmed!  So much to absorb and so much needing to just find words to express.

Plus, there is this "little" thing called REAL LIFE that has demanded attention! :)

However, I read something this morning that I can't get out of my heart (and I don't want to!).  It goes DIRECTLY along with everything we learned this past weekend in regards to Holy Spirit led parenting.

I just want to share this with you and hope that it encourages you as much as it has me.  I hope it causes you to ask yourself some of these same questions and make changes where necessary.  I know it's convicting my heart in HUGE ways.

The author presented these questions that God had impressed upon her heart in regards to accountability of motherhood (and fatherhood!).  Most specifically based on the teachings in scripture of Proverbs 3:5-6.

What if we were asked to answer these questions in the presence of Christ someday...

  • Did you teach them to trust me?
  • Did you teach them how to give their heart to me?
  • Did you teach them to not lean on their own understanding?
  • Did you teach them to live set apart?
  • Did you teach them to pay attention to me?
  • Did you teach them to follow my ways?
  • Did you teach them how to live on the straight path?
THAT is no little task.  THAT is not something to take lightly.  However, that is what Proverbs 3:5-6 require of us.  I don't think the words of the Bible are suggestions.  We may ACT selfishly and in our flesh as if they are, but they aren't.  

The main question to ask of myself is "Did I teach them?" 

Did I teach them more than facts?  Did I teach them more than the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic? Obviously, those are necessary for a productive life, but they aren't what matters most.  

The heart is what matters. 

The things of eternal value are what matters.  

Did I teach them?  Did I teach them with more than just my words?  Did I teach them with my actions?  

Did I teach them to walk in faith or did I teach them to doubt? 

Did I teach them to worship HIM or did I teach them to worship things of the world? 

Did I teach them how to repent and seek forgiveness or did I teach them that I'm too stubborn or prideful to admit failures?

Did I teach them.....

Did I teach them DILIGENTLY? Did I just talk the talk of Deuteronomy 6:7 or did I walk the walk? Did I truly impress it on their hearts?  

And on the days, that I fall short (which often feels like EVERY day), I'm thankful His mercies are new every  morning and that He can provide every tool needed and fill in every gap IF I'm seeking Him and placing my family under His wings.  And as the author reminded, this isn't a checklist to cause condemnation.  It's just a reminder of priorities, what matters most, and how to spend my time.  It's also encouragement for those days that I'm giving my all and I don't think it matters!  What the world says is normal and what we KNOW to be truth SELDOM ever line up.  

Just remember to ask:

You can read more of this type encouragement at

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