Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just a memory....

Just had one of those sweet moments that I wanted to be sure and have written down....

Bradlee had a rough day at "preschool"-what he calls Parent's Morning Out-and we were discussing the day. He was telling me about his bad day while I was snuggling him before bed. He still had damp hair and smelled YUMMY. He is the ULTIMATE snuggle bunny and has to be FULLY molded into me. I gave him a big squeeze and said "Oh, Bradlee. What is Mommy going to do when you are all grown up and too big to snuggle like this?" He simply said, without any hesitation, "Cry!". Yes, he is SO right about that! I pretended to sob and carry on and he pulled my face back down to his and said "Mommy you don't have to cry right now because I'm not doing it yet!" Yes, those are the moments that make it ALL worth it. It doesn't matter how many times he makes me want to run away screaming or lock myself in the bathroom......he's just so lovable. I suddenly forgot about all the times today that I wished for just 2 seconds of peace. So, Mr. Bradlee Mason, I'm holding you to that. You best not grow up a moment too soon!

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