Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Power Prayer

One thing is for certain....

When you are going through multiple stressful situations and then go to major events like Hearts at Home (Christian motherhood) and Teach Them Diligently (Christian home education/holy-spirit led families) with your heart open...

You will come home overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed with...
His goodness.
Messages that have flooded your heart.
Laughter and joy.
And countless things you want to change, go deeper with, or let go.

Just overwhelmed.

I'm definitely finding myself there.

Wrapped in His goodness. Trying to absorb all I learned and all of the messages that are sinking in my heart.

I feel off-balance.  In a good way (knowing that He's realigning places in my heart to line up with His). In a not so good way----just too much to absorb at once. 

But I know...

Without a doubt.

He's taking us to a GREAT place through the storms of life lately and we just have to hold on and stay faithful. 

Though I have countless things I'd love to share...

For now, I'm sticking with this.

It's a powerful prayer I read during some quiet time alone at the TTD conference in preparation for a Bible Study I'm excited to participate in next month.  The words just jumped OFF THE PAGE and I had to write it down and I now carry it in my pocket to pray over multiple times. 

I believe it's going to be a power prayer in my life and even an uncomfortable one. A very uncomfortable one...but one that brings me closer to Him.


I come boldly before YOUR throne, asking to be filled with the full, deep, and clear knowledge of YOUR will for me in this season of my life.

Speak truth into my life...even hard truth.  Your word calls me to action.  You call me to a life that will make a difference for You and Your kingdom. Open my eyes to see that life. Give me a heart that desires that life above all else.

If I am not living in a way that pleases you or loving others in a way that honors You or studying Your word in a way that changes me, convict my heart by speaking truth in love. Make my heart tender to receive Your rebuke and discipline.  You have drawn me here and I want to receive ALL you have for me.

Bring Your living and active Word alive in my heart. Invade every part of my being. Transform me from the inside out.


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