Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stronger. Together.

I finally did it.  I finally chose the header for our dry erase board in our entry hallway.  Granted, it was a REALLY simple task that should have taken two seconds.  However, me being who I am, I had to look at it from every different angle and thoroughly and completely pick it apart in my brain to decide what to write.  You can read about why and what I'm talking about HERE.

Stronger. Together.

Simple, yet powerful.  "Purpose" is on the side because it is important to us since that is our word for the year and what we are seeking to "filter" everything by.  Is what we are doing lining up with our purpose?  Does buying/doing/thinking/saying/believing/etc..  "that" line up with our purpose?  Purpose is extremely important to us. 

"Stronger. Together." is what I finally chose to be THE focus that we see each and every time we leave and come in.  This is also the theme of our amazing Christian radio station (WBGL).  We hear these words fairly often, but over the last few days they've said them quite often during share-a-thon.  I've loved hearing those two words together and it FINALLY hit me that THOSE are the words I want to see every day.

Stronger. Together.
  • as a couple---together we are strong.  Together we can't be defeated.  Together we have the strength to maintain our values despite a culture that seeks to divide.  Together we have the strength to grow.  Plus, simply put, we LOVE to be together.  Being together is what makes us thrive.  Together is what makes us both healthy and whole!  Put something between us creating division and we both end up weak.  It's simple.
  • as a family----we are stronger when we are together.  No doubt about it.  No room for discussion. Our family thrives on togetherness.  It's vital.  Together we live, grow, and find our paths.  Send us all in different directions with too many activities, we fall apart.  Together is the best place for us to be.  It isn't hiding out from the world----it's treasuring what we value most. 
  • together with Christ we are strong.  The moment we crowd Christ out of our lives, EVERYTHING falls apart.  When we are clinging to Him and constantly in communication, seeking more of Him and less of us....we are strong.  Together.
  • together with other women and moms that cherish my same values----I AM STRONG.  Without them, I fall apart.  No denying it.  The friendships that God has blessed me with are an absolute treasure.  Very few days go by that one of them doesn't literally pick me up off the ground by something they say or do.  They keep me accountable, encourage me, give me a shoulder to lean on, and just make me life RICH.
  • together with a body of believers----we are strong.  Though we have admitted to struggling with finding our place in our church and sometimes wonder if our "fit" is perfect, there is ZERO doubt that being with a body of believers is strengthening.  Worshiping God in solitude is vital, but corporate worship and learning is non-negotiable.  
The more I heard those words, the more I knew it was the PERFECT fit for our focal point.  It's about family.  It's about unity.  It's about picking someone up when they are weak (or picking me up when I'm weak which tends to happen SO much these days).  It's about knowing that we are never alone. 

Simple.....Stronger. Together.   Apart we are weak and broken.

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